Hand and Power Tools
Active Filters :
- Vacuums: Filters
- Main Category: Hand and Power Tools
- Manufacturer: Columbus Mckinnon Emerson Professional Tools Flange Wizard
Part #:508442
- EVERYDAY DIRT 1-LAYER PLEATED PAPER FILTERThe RIDGID® 1-layer replacement wet/dry vac filter is great for everyday dirt. Everyday dirt is bestdescribed as sawdust or typical debris found in a basement, garage or vehicle. With its patented QwikLock&trade feature, it simply snaps on or off the vacuum for easy cleaning.&bull Washable and reusable.&bull Includes 1 filter per package.SPECIFICATIONS&bull Best for&ndash Sawdust&ndash Typical basement, garage, or car dirt&bull Fits vac sizes &ndash 5-20 gallons
Everyday Dirt Filter White
Part #:510270
- FINE DUST 3-LAYER PLEATED PAPER FILTER FOR 3.0 GAL. TO 4.5 GAL. RIDGID WET DRY VACSThe RIDGID 3-Layer fine dust replacement filter features 3 layers of filtering material that capturesparticles too small to be seen by the naked eye. The pleated design offers a large surface area to trapsuperfine dust and dirt.SPECIFICATIONS&bull Captures 99% of all particles 1/2 micron and larger.&bull Great for picking up cold fireplace ash, fine dust and everyday dirt.&bull Fits most compact RIDGID wet/dry vacs.&bull Fully washable and reusable
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