Specialty Wrenches
Hand and Power Tools

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Part #:207095
Specifications Description Ford&reg Lg. &amp Std. Pentagons Length in 5.5 mm 140 Weight lbs 0.9 kg 0.4 Product Detail Catalog No. MKF2 Item Code 02364
$20.14 MSRP $ 19.17
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Part #:203416
Specifications Pentagon in-nom. 1 3/4 actual O.D. mm 45 Square in-nom. 1 1/4 actual O.D. mm 31 Length in 20.0 mm 500 Weight lbs 4.5 kg 2.0 Product Detail Catalog No. HWB Item Code 02283
$27.13 MSRP $ 25.83
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$50.94 MSRP $ 32.09
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Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3 Matching Items