Parker Hannifin Corp-Parflex

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Part #:601462
Features&bull High flow and high sensitivity&bull Constant bleed option for semi-precisionapplications&bull Can be used for water service(non-relieving)&bull Unbalanced poppet standard&bull Diaphragm operated for fast response&bull Non-rising adjusting knob&bull Stainless steel version available(see stainless steel section of catalog)&bull High flow 10 SCFM&sect (Air)1.25 GPM (Water)
$ 41.19
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Part #:601950
Features&bull High flow performance featuringrugged design for the mostdemanding applications&bull Ideal for those installations calling forconstant pressure with wide variationin flow&bull Diaphragm operated design withbalanced poppet design for quickand accurate regulation&bull Secondary aspiration plus balancedpoppet provides quick responseand accurate pressure regulation&bull Heavy duty tee handle adjustment&bull Reverse flow version available&bull Panel mount version available&bull High flow 1/4" &ndash 100 SCFM&sect
$ 106.13
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$0.73 MSRP $ 0.29
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