Kano Labratories

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Part #:841-885-KS132C
Loosens Frozen Metal Parts! An industry proven penetrating oil that has no equal. Quickly loosens rusted nuts and bolts - frees frozen shafts, pulleys, etc. Penetrates to 1 millionth inch spaces, dissolves rust, lubricates, cleans and prevents rust. Displaces moisture. The oil that creeps.
$ 385.40 CASE
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Part #:885162
Kroil Original Penetrant. Best Penetrating Oil. Loosen frozen metal parts the professional way, with Kroil Original Penetrant in liquid and aerosol (formerly AeroKroil) formulas. Discover why this is the best penetrating oil to loosen bolts in various applications.
$ 462.51 CASE
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Part #:841-885-KS102C
Country of Origin UNITED STATES. HAZMAT Item YES. Special Order Item NO.:
$ 331.02 CA
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Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3 Matching Items